Thursday, September 20, 2007

Feeling restless

I am having a rough night. It is after midnight and I just can't sleep. I am missing my friend Karen terribly, I am feeling so worried and scared for another friend because her father is sick, and I am missing my students at my last job.

Do you ever have one of these nights? Where, for no reason whatsoever at all, it all hits you at once? Everthing that has happened over the past few months comes tumbling down upon you? Well that is the kind of night I am having. I couldn't seem to shake it so I figured I might as well embrace it. And even though it's been an eternity, why not post about it?

There is a play going on this weekend at my previous job and although a big part of me wants to go and see it, I am having a difficult time making a decision. Who will I see? What will they say? What will I say? Probably something along the lines of: "Oh, things are going well. I am figuring out what schools I want to apply for and really enjoying my time off." Translation? I have no clue what I am going to do with my life, I am lonely, and miss all of you desperately. I will probably go anyway. Maybe the play will be good, even though the review was awful, and plus it will be nice to see my students.

Well, I am beat so I am heading off to bed. Maybe I will start posting again.