Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I like that.

I like the color peach even though it does nothing for my skin tone. I like the sound it makes when leather and skin meet, as you slip on a high heel. And I like that I wear them even though they hurt my feet. I don't mind cloudy days, or snowy or rainy days; they just make me appreciate things that are far beyond my simple mind, like the change of seasons, the grass and trees, the rain, wind, snow, and sky above me. And I don't care if I should or shouldn't have started this sentence with an "and" or if the use of a semi-colon in the previous sentence was considered incorrect grammer. Or if it had too many commas. I just love words and how neat, yeah NEAT, super cool, it is to watch them move around, shift to the right or left, or in replace of one another, to express and communicate a thought or a feeling. I like the picture I took recently of a glass bluebird of happiness sitting on a window sill, looking out through a heart-shaped-condensation-streaked window at a lightly brushed snowy ground on the first day of spring. It is my "favorite picture I've ever taken" and yes, I have many of these and will have many more, all at the same time, which really isn't possible, but that's ok by me. When I like something, really like something, I say it is my favorite because I am someone who feels things with such an intensity that I'll just burst if it doesn't find a way out. So it's "my favorite" and "the best ever" and "I just love this or that or him or her so much". And I like that. I like that I tell people how I feel; that I am not afraid to tell someone that I like their shirt, ask them if they are ok today, let them know I was thinking about them, tell them that I love them or just how wonderful they made me feel. And that I choose to say bold things, things that are scary, things that people tend to think are "too weird" or "unnecessary". And I like that I think about what I've said and wonder sometimes if it was ok that I did; it means that I care about people's feelings and consider them. All the time. And I like that. I like that although I promised myself I wouldn't buy another white shirt because I have far too many already, that I bought one anyway just because it has butterfiles on it, they were pretty, and putting it on made me feel pretty. I like that I don't just listen to music. I think about the words; look them up, memorize them, and think about what they mean. And that when I listen to a song I love I want to share it with others, send them the words so they'll know just why "it's my favorite song" or why I thought it was something that might speak to them. I like how close I am to my family. I like shades of blue and peach, but mostly white and grey and beige. I like that I love scary movies, but I close my eyes during the gorey parts and fall asleep before the end. I like the smell of clothes that just came out of the dryer. I like cheap, tacky earrings, leather bracelets, and wearing a lot of mascara. I like sweat pants, wearing my hair in a ponytail, wearing yesterday's make up or no make up at all. I like that I say "I did it" when I accomplished a fairly-difficult task, and that I say it outloud to myself and to strangers. I like the sound of my nephews laughing. I like the look on my neice's face, when we haven't seen each other in awhile, as she walks through the door and catches my eye. I like walking, exercising, eating healthy, drinking water, and getting enough sleep. I like sitting, watching movies or tv, being lazy, eating burgers and fries, drinking beer, and staying up too late. I like my cats. I like the outdoors, swimming, camping, hiking, riding my bike. I like video games, card games, board games. I like challenging myself, every day, to be a better person. I like who I was, who I am, and who I will be. And I like that I don't just like all of these things - I love them with every fiber of my being.