Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Impatiently Waiting

As of last Thursday, I have successfully applied to ten new positions in, I think, ten different states. The thing is, I didn't think I would do it. I know that might sound a bit harsh to say about oneself. But, I have never been a very patient person and I fear the unknown. So, naturally, the thought of taking the time to apply for a new job half-way across the United States doesn't appeal to me. I will have to wait to hear from them and it could take weeks, even a month or two before I hear anything. And there is no way of knowing if I will get hired anywhere or not, let alone get an interview. But I did it.

I was, and still am, just so tired of doing something over and over again, day after day, that I don't love. Granted, there is a great deal about my job that I DO love, so that is what makes it tough. But the main focus of my work is not where my passion lives. So each and every time I walk in that door, my heart isn't really in it. It is a BIT, of course, but it isn't really in it. So I decided I would give it all up and face the great unknown.

Maybe the unknown isn't such a scary place afterall. This has been a recent discovery of mine. I tend to look at things in black and white. It has always been either this or that, no in between. Take that and add a little, no, A LOT of impatience and you get: "Either I will stay in Michigan or I will get a new job half way across the world and live there for the rest of my life and never get to see my family". That thought right there is what has been bothering me the most. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life living that far away from my family. Then the other day, out of the clear blue sky, it finally HIT me. Who said it had to be the rest of my life?! I could take the job, move there, live there for the next two or three years, and then take yet another job much closer to home. In my line of work it isn't unusual at all to not stay in the same place for twenty years. Usually one does eventually, later on in their life. But this technically isn't, no matter how old I FEEL, "later on in my life". So what am I waiting for?

Now I find myself in an even worse position. I am excited. I could move anywhere! There is nothing holding me back! I am not married or dating anyone. I don't own a home. Hell, I don't even have an apartment. Now is the time to do it. Go out and explore, meet new people, make new friends. I need that in my life right now. Unfortunately, this is a much scarier place to be in. What if I don't get hired? What if I get my hopes up, apply to all these places, and I don't get hired anywhere? There is no way to know the answer to that question, I know. I will just have to be patient. Or should I say learn to be patient? Who knows where the tide will take me. All I can do is just ride the wave and do my best to find the joy in it. A few years ago I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't have said "No, I will not take this life just because it is easy and safe, thank you very much. I am going to take my chances on THIS one over here." So at least I have that.


Melissa said...

That's a long way to come in a few short years! It IS exciting, the great unknown, and my fingers are crossed that you'll find exactly what you're looking for.

karen said...

I am very proud of you chickie! And something WILL come out of all of this. I just feel it. I know all about the waiting game, just hang in there and you will hear soon enough. Anything in Nevada?

Adamity73 said...

gambling and hookers.