My students are in the process of working on an audio project where they provide the character voices for an animated film. I really wanted this to be high-tech project with professional looking results. So, I contacted the media department and, to my delight, they said they were not only willing to let us use their recording studios, but do all the recording for us as well. Yesterday was our first "take" (notice how I am using the lingo now) and my students did a fantastic job. I had wondered to myself whether or not the graduate student who would be doing the recording would be cute. I do this all the time. I go to a meeting, the gas station, or even into
Walgreen's thinking maybe there will be someone cute there and he will sweep me off my feet. Did you ever hear someone say: "I met my husband at the gas station. It was very romantic! (sigh)" There never is, of course. So I headed into the studio yesterday with my coffee stained pants (see previous post), my hair in a ponytail, and no make up on. And yep, you guessed it! He was rather attractive.
Very cute, really nice, sharp and stylish dresser, good sense of humor, smart and, most importantly, wearing a
Tigers hat! I instantly felt myself blush and looked down at my jeans to see how apparent the coffee stain was in the studio lighting. Difficult to see it, thank goodness. We sat down and started recording.
Overall, we didn't say much. Mainly we talked about the recording, when/if we should do a do-over, and how it was going. There isn't anything very interesting to note about our conversation. As per
usual, he didn't show much interest in me. I was very nervous. The thoughts that were running through my head and the things I imagined! I kept wondering if he could smell the stale coffee or see the stain on my jeans. I wondered if he had a girlfriend, how old he was, what his "type" was. At one point, I noted his Tigers hat, asking if he was a fan. He said yes and I shared that I was one as well. A few moments later I imagined him turning to me and saying:
I know this probably isn't the best time to ask, but would you like to go to a game with me sometime? How ridiculous is that? I am sure that was the farthest thing from his mind. I was chewing on my fingers out of nervousness and kept wondering whether or not he noticed and did he think it a disgusting habit. He smiled at me a couple of times but, overall, didn't show much interest.
When were finished and getting ready to leave, I told him if he had any questions he could just email me. He said he wouldn't need to pretty quickly. So I left thinking that he somehow must have heard all those crazy thoughts in my head. I will see him again on Monday and, naturally, I don't want to show up in a ponytail with no make-up again. But I also don't want him to think I am interested and spend the whole session hoping I don't hit on him. But then again, as he is only a graduate student he is probably way too young for me anyway. So none of this even matters. Ah, the joys of being single as I often say.