It's nice to know that although it can be tough to shake things off at times, if you keep on shaking you'll get there. Regardless of all the negative thoughts that kept threatening to take over my birthday, in the end, it turned out to be a pretty good day.

The cast of the show I am directing surprised me with a little singing and a lot of ice cream cake. Yes, I know, the "Blue's Clues" theme may seem a bit juvenile but it's a long story. I have to admit, it was nice to get a surprise like that, and to feel special on one's birthday. I mean, who doesn't want that, right?
The evening ended with some Tomb Raider action at my friend Melissa's house. As she put it, we made some real nice progress. The game playing, mixed with the traditional green olives, triscuits, and assortment of cheese spread (yes, we take our game playing very seriously folks), some rum and diet colke (hee hee...sorry, inside joke), and fantastic company, made for a really nice birthday celebration.
And just like that...poof! Yesterday's dark mood disappears in a puff of smoke.
I am glad to hear the cloud has passed. It was a fun night, Lori, and I'm looking forward to more gameplay soon. I keep seeing Matt do his Lara jog through the living room ... we should put him on retainer.
What did I tell you about the diet colke? You didn't even notice the difference, did you!
Yes, I am looking forward to more gameplay soon as well. We kicked butt! Matt's Lara job was pretty impressive. And no, I didn't notice a bi of difference. Well, actually, I think I might like the colke better.
That sounds like an excellent birthday evening and I am glad you found other sustenance since Mel banned the beer in her house for a week. See you tonight!
Hye! I checked your blog earlier today and you had a different template - what gives? I like them both, by the way.
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