I have a date tonight. I'll go ahead and call it that, but I am not looking forward to it. Why? It never leads to anything. It could! You never know! That's what you're thinking and I can understand that. But believe me, after 11 years of being single and several scattered unsuccesful dates, one tends to sort of shrug instead and say something along the lines of well it's better than being whipped and hung by your toenails.* I don't want to go. But I'll go. Needless to say the last thing I need is more attention or drama attached to my "date" tonight. So what does my mother say to me? Call me tonight when you get to Melissa's. What?! Are you kidding me? I am 37 yrs old! And I am smart mother!! I'll be fine! So she, as expected, gets upset and goes on about how Dad worries about her because it's normal and natural and she certainly doesn't feel the need to remind HIM of her age and intelligence. Sigh. We both closed out of IM and let it go. Sometimes it's best to sit on things and take a breath before one attempts resolve. So I waited and finally I told her what I thought. Our conversation went something like this:
Lori Jean says:
sometimes I don't know why things upset me. I am going to assume that somewhere in my brain, probably surrounding my not really wanting to go tonight because it never leads to anything which makes me think about why and will i ever have it? which makes me think about how i don't have a family of my own either or a home. and sometimes, not always, but sometimes that makes me feel down about
Lori Jean says:
Lori Jean says:
and like a kid, immature, who doesn't have an adult life. that's probably why.
Lori Jean says:
but i only get ONE mom
Lori Jean says:
and if i had my druthers
Lori Jean says:
i'd choose the one who wanted me to call because she is afraid i will be abducted
Lori Jean says:
over and over again
Lori Jean says:
i would choose her
vernie mae says:
vernie mae says:
you mean the "freak" mom?
vernie mae says:
Lori Jean says:
yep that one
vernie mae says:
it's OKAY lori
vernie mae says:
i'm pretty sure i was jewish in my last life, and the risidual jewish mom thing is still
vernie mae says:
Lori Jean says:
oy vey!
If you read my last post you can now see just what I meant when I said that I am forever grateful. I look at what she wrote there, and think about how funny it is. And I almost feel slightly ashamed. How could I have been so angry? I have a mother who loves me, who thinks the world of me. I have a mother who cares about me, who worries about my safety and well being. I have a mother who can't imagine what life would be like without me in it. Does it get any better than that?
I do hope I won't be abducted. God does tend to have a pretty good sense of humor.
*My sister and I have always said that about being whipped and hung by our toenails. I have no idea where it came from.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Blue(ish) Christmas
Although I feel I look 27 and act 19 the majority of the time, judging by the looks of my hands I am, in fact, 37 yrs old and 40 is fast approaching. How did I get here? And so quickly too?? It is interesting how aside from the number, the years that have gone by, and the experiences you've had; the experiences you have NOT HAD can affect how old you feel. I tend to find myself in this place, mentally and emotionally, when I know the holidays are approaching. As I know I have mentioned in past posts, and when I say past I am talking ancient times here as I tend to post approximately once every 6 months, I am the only individual in my pool of family and friends who is not married and either has or will have kids. And I am the only person who understands the simple fact that THIS MAKES ME FEEL OLD. Wouldn't you think it would make me feel younger? I am single and relatively do what I like without having to answer to someone else or take their feelings, wants and needs into consideration. Wouldn't that be exciting? Wouldn't that make you feel free and...well...young? Nope. Not me. It makes me feel old. Old. Old. Old.
I recently downloaded some Christmas music to my ipod. And this is related to what I was just saying. I promise. I was in a rush as I usually am when I am attempting to download music at work where anyone who walks by can see my screen; so I clicked on anything that looked like Christmas music. To my surprise; as I was humming along, merrily working away and not thinking about my age and all the things I want and do not have, the song from Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Where Are You Christmas? came on and I found myself in tears. It goes something like this:
I recently downloaded some Christmas music to my ipod. And this is related to what I was just saying. I promise. I was in a rush as I usually am when I am attempting to download music at work where anyone who walks by can see my screen; so I clicked on anything that looked like Christmas music. To my surprise; as I was humming along, merrily working away and not thinking about my age and all the things I want and do not have, the song from Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Where Are You Christmas? came on and I found myself in tears. It goes something like this:
Where are you Christmas?
Why cant I find you?
Why have you gone away?
My world is changing, I'm rearranging, does that mean christmas changes too?
Where are you christmas?
Do you remember the girl you used you know?
You and I were so carefree, now nothing's easy.
Did Christmas change? Or just me?
I am sure it seems odd that a song like that would make a person tear up, but for me it summed up just the way the holiday's make me feel. For me, in my heart, Christmas is the same as it was when I was a kid. I have no family of my own. My parents and my sister and brother are my family. For them, however, their spouses and children are their immediate family and Christmas is now about the excitement surrounding their children opening gifts on Christmas morning. I sleep on the couch upstairs and stare at the tree remembering when my sister and brother and I would all sleep in the same room and fantasize all night long about the wonderful and exciting toys we would be getting the following morning. How we would sneak out of our room to take a peek at the stockings. How we would wake up in the morning and run as fast as we could to see all the presents under the tree. How we would play together all day long. As we got older, the playing became trivia, cards, drinking wine, and socializing with the friends we had invited over for the day. So even though the toys changed the simple fact that we played stayed the same. Now they have three kids each and although they try to sit at the table and enjoy a game of euchre or trivia they are constantly up and running around getting the kids something they need or changing a diaper or, God forbid, taking a nap. Don't get me wrong, my family means the world to me and I am forever grateful to have them in my life. It all boils down to the simple fact that things have changed for them, but they have not changed for me. I find my own things to do and am happy. I look forward to exchanging gifts and watching my neice and nephews open the presents I spent forever picking out for them. And although it may be 9:00 pm by the time we all get sat at the table, I look forward to the playing; the games and the laughter we share. I am blessed and I know it. I am also lacking something and that's ok. I am old. er. but I am also young. And I hope I never lose that.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Be Careful What You Wish For
A comment Karen left on a post from awhile back:
"Toes crossed too. And since I have no fresh thought
of my own I will rely on cliche. You really never know
what lies around the next corner.
Here's hoping he is tall, dark, naked and funny."
I bended that corner. And? To sum it up: he is definitely tall, dark-haired (which is a form of "dark"), funny in his own way, and as for naked? Well, sometimes he is. And I am surprised. This is the most accurate word I can attach to the overall feeling surrounding me lately. Surprised that he is still around. The fear referenced in the post Karen had commented on did all it could, did it's very best, to prevent me from giving him a chance. There were times I thought for sure it had won. I have told him twice now that I only wanted to be his friend. But he has not gone away and I am thankful for that. Mostly, however, I am surprised. I have allowed myself to get to know him. I have pushed past that fear and all of the doubt and worry and nervousness and allowed myself, given myself the chance, to find out who he is. Even when I thought I couldn't do it, or when I didn't think I WAS doing it; I could, I was, and I did.
As for that fear? I know it is hiding out somewhere, I can feel it lurking in the darkness, crouched in a corner. But it's like a distant fog. It's a place I could go if I wanted to. And sometimes, in spite of myself, I go there. I hang out for awhile in that dank and miserable place until (usually by the grace of people who love me) I am pulled out of it. So it isn't that I don't have that fear anymore, it's that I choose not to let it get the best of me. What a wonderful, new, and freeing feeling that is.
I know now there is nothing wrong with me regarding my abilities to feel and express love; to experience it. I used to say that I had somehow lost the ability to love someone. I actually thought it possible. Looking back, all I can think now is: what a ridiculous notion! Funny how something so ridiculous can feel so real when we are so afraid. Afraid of what? Of never feeling it or of feeling too much. Of hurting someone or being hurt. Of missing out or of throwing away something that will never come again. I don't know where all of this fear came from, but the one thing I do know is that I won't let it stop me from taking a chance. I don't know where it's going, where it will take me, how it will end up, what I will feel or won't feel, but I am not turning away and hiding behind fear. Give it to me, I'll take it; whatever IT is and whatever happens. I'll give it a shot man even if if means hurting him or getting my heart broken. Bring it on.
"Toes crossed too. And since I have no fresh thought
of my own I will rely on cliche. You really never know
what lies around the next corner.
Here's hoping he is tall, dark, naked and funny."
I bended that corner. And? To sum it up: he is definitely tall, dark-haired (which is a form of "dark"), funny in his own way, and as for naked? Well, sometimes he is. And I am surprised. This is the most accurate word I can attach to the overall feeling surrounding me lately. Surprised that he is still around. The fear referenced in the post Karen had commented on did all it could, did it's very best, to prevent me from giving him a chance. There were times I thought for sure it had won. I have told him twice now that I only wanted to be his friend. But he has not gone away and I am thankful for that. Mostly, however, I am surprised. I have allowed myself to get to know him. I have pushed past that fear and all of the doubt and worry and nervousness and allowed myself, given myself the chance, to find out who he is. Even when I thought I couldn't do it, or when I didn't think I WAS doing it; I could, I was, and I did.
As for that fear? I know it is hiding out somewhere, I can feel it lurking in the darkness, crouched in a corner. But it's like a distant fog. It's a place I could go if I wanted to. And sometimes, in spite of myself, I go there. I hang out for awhile in that dank and miserable place until (usually by the grace of people who love me) I am pulled out of it. So it isn't that I don't have that fear anymore, it's that I choose not to let it get the best of me. What a wonderful, new, and freeing feeling that is.
I know now there is nothing wrong with me regarding my abilities to feel and express love; to experience it. I used to say that I had somehow lost the ability to love someone. I actually thought it possible. Looking back, all I can think now is: what a ridiculous notion! Funny how something so ridiculous can feel so real when we are so afraid. Afraid of what? Of never feeling it or of feeling too much. Of hurting someone or being hurt. Of missing out or of throwing away something that will never come again. I don't know where all of this fear came from, but the one thing I do know is that I won't let it stop me from taking a chance. I don't know where it's going, where it will take me, how it will end up, what I will feel or won't feel, but I am not turning away and hiding behind fear. Give it to me, I'll take it; whatever IT is and whatever happens. I'll give it a shot man even if if means hurting him or getting my heart broken. Bring it on.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Neverending Bliss

Anyway, I have been so excited I just had to share! I know you

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