Wednesday, November 01, 2006


To begin with, let me get one thing clear: Borderline Happy Disorder is not a real disorder. I haven't been diagnosed with it nor, to be completely honest, have I ever even heard of it. I just finished reading "Girl, Interrupted" and the central character in the book is diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. When I was searching for a name for this blog it was the first thing that came to mind having just finished the book last night. I certainly couldn't diagnose myself with her condition (although if you were to take a look at the symptoms you might ask yourself the same question she did...haven't we all had it at some point in our lives?) This caused me to ponder what condition I do have as I am sure I have something. For some reason I find comfort in that. Don't ask me why. And Borderline Happy Disorder is what I came up with. What does it mean? Well, just what it says. I have a disorder where I am on the borderline of being happy. I am consistently, on a day to day basis, right on the verge of being happy. But, one way or another, I can't quite get there. This probably doesn't sound like a problem to many of you; but, believe me, it is. Ok, so now that we have gotten that squared up...

A little about me: I am a 35 (going on 42) yr old woman who is certain that I am in the middle of an early mid-life crisis. Life has passed me by. I will never find love or have a family and a home of my own. I love and hate my job at the same time and am in the process of applyling to other places hoping to find something that really fulfills me. (I know, the American Dream, right?) If it is at all possible to be a "crazy cat lady" when you only have two cats then I am that woman. I have a fantastic family whom I am very close to and wonderful friends. Important note: In both of the aforementioned groups, every woman is married and half of them already have children. So life hasn't passed me by? Are you sure? Ohhh...OK.

I think that is all for now. After looking this over I am now thinking...who is ever going to read this? But, for some reason or another, I felt compelled to put myself out there. That is something I am slowly beginning to learn in my later years. You have to put yourself out there. I am beginning to accomplish this is some areas of my life. And not so much in other areas. Ah, the joys of being single...


Melissa said...

I added you to my favorites, babe. And I am looking forward to the day that you have to rename this site Happy Disorder. :)

Anonymous said... mirrored my thoughts.

I feel the same way, sometim--most--times.

But then I look in the country in which I live and the beautiful state in which I live and I tell myself, Dude, it could be so much worse.