Thursday, November 02, 2006

I Am Not A Chef

I made homemade soup last night. Well, if the corn comes from a can does it really count as homemade? It actually turned out really good and I was feeling pretty sassy about it. Hey, I can cook! I am GOOD at this! In retrospect, some things for me to think about before I label myself as one of those women who cook really well. 1. I ate a great deal of it while it was still in the pan and then had a bowl of it after it was finished and this, of course, ended with an upset stomach. 2. Being single, my tupperware selection is fairly limited and so I attempted to store the remaining soup in a ziplock bag. Just in case anyone is confused, it takes TWO people to accomplish this. One to hold the bag and one to pour. If you attempt to do it on your own it WILL spill out of that bag and all over the counter. And... 3. I think you are supposed to clean up the mess when you are finished cooking. Not the following morning.

Do you have to be a good cook to find a good man, I am wondering this morning? I ask this it being impossible, naturally, for me to not relate it to the neverending question that constantly races through my mind, "why am I single?" Good Lord, I hope not. Or I am in trouble.


karen said...

I am impressed with your cooking. And your hot ass.

Melissa said...

You inspired me to make some soup at lunch. Mine came from a can, but I DID open it all by myself and even put the pot on the correct burner. That is, after an unfortunate incident involving the wrong burner and a bread bag.

Anonymous said...

A ZIP-LOCK bag?! How does one even attempt to do that?

By the way, I haven't the foggiest idea why you are single. You're funny and cute and you have a wry self-deprecating sense of humor. All goo god-damned things to possess.

Michael said...

A friend of mine sent me your "Borderline" because I am single as well. I found it quite coincidental because (you may find this hard to believe) I was at Buddies on the day that Global Village played and I asked a friend (who dates one of your co-workers) who you were. He did'nt know so I took it no further. When this was sent to me I had to at least say hello. Michael

Lj said...

Hello to you to Michael, whoever you may be.